Pull Apart Cinnamon Bread

For some reason I am much more inspired to bake than cook these days. Could it be a comfort thing? It could. Could it be the fact that I miss SoCal shopping for a myriad of reasons? It could. Could it be that the weather in Copenhagen creates a strong need for oven heat and the calming scent of baked goodies? It could. In any case, baking wins these days and you have to bare with me during this time of transition and excuse me for presenting more low in sugar super sweets than easy tasty dinners…

I saw a savory version of a pull apart bread on Smitten Kitchen around Super Bowl not too long ago. I was completely fascinated by the look of it. The kids weren’t exactly excited about the flavors, so I adapted my cinnamon bun dough and filling and basically created a monster pull apart cinnamon bun. Have fun…

The dough

  • 7 oz / 200 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp instant yeast / 50 gr bakers yeast
  • 3.5 oz / 100 gr butter, softened
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsps sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 pound and 1 oz / 500 gr flour


  1. Pour milk and yeast into a big bowl and stir.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and knead until the dough is smooth and pliable.
  3. Cover the dough and let rest for about 1 hr or until doubled in size.
  4. Preheat the oven to 400F/200C.
  5. Put a little flour on the counter top to avoid sticking. Roll out the dough to a rectangle app 18″x12″ or 45 x 30 cm.
  6. Spread the filling evenly onto the dough. Then cut the dough lengthwise into 4 long strips. Layer these and cut into 6 small piles. See Smitten Kitchen link for visuals here.
  7. Put in greased loaf pan and bake about 45-50 min.


Mix the following ingredients well and spread evenly on the dough:

  • 3 oz / 85 gr softened butter
  • 3 oz / 85 gr cane sugar
  • 1 tsp flour
  • 2 tbsps ground cinnamon

4 thoughts on “Pull Apart Cinnamon Bread

  1. I wish I had come up with that technique. It’s genius. About the sweetness, it’s not like biting into a Danish pastry :-). It’s sweet and cinnamony without overpowering the other ingredients.I appreciate your comments, thank you!

  2. I tried the version on Joy the Baker’s blog a while ago and found it much too sweet – maybe I should have a go at your version some time 🙂 Love the technique…

  3. Cinnamon roll/bread has been a tradition in Derrick’s family on New Year’s Day and has been passed down to our family. It is so yummy and good we some times have it a couple times through out the year. I’ll have to try this pull apart version. I still remember the cinnamon roll you made on my bday 🙂

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